Icons only displayed on first row of list data

Hugh, it is very strange that you cannot replicate this. If I take any list display and change one of the elements (take a dropdown) and in the List View Settings, Icons Tab, leave Replace with Icons as No, and put heart30 in the static icon. Save and now go refresh your list. The heart is showing for that element on the first row only.

Do you see anything different?

Ah, if I set "Replace with icons" to No, then yeah, it only replaces the first row.

If I set it to Yes, then things work as expected.

So I'm not sure where the issue is. My expectation would be that with "Replace with Icons" set to No, then no icon replacement should happen. Set it to Yes, and it should either do the element value based replacement, or (if set) a static icon replacement.

-- hugh
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