How do you join multiple lists not in star schema

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How do you go about joining three tables (lists)

CustomerID PK

OrderID PK

OrderDetailsID PK

It seem the current joining options makes a virtual star schema.

I tried to create a list based on joining the CustomersList and OrdersList ( called it CustomerOrders) then made a copy of CustomerOrders("Copy of CustomerOrder") and joined the OrderDetailsList, but that breaks fabrik because of primary key violation.

How would I go about joining three lists in the example above? Looks liek it restrected to just two levels of join, part to

CustomersList one---to--many<OrdersList one---to---many<OrderItemsList

Basically: One "customer" (CustomersList) can have "many orders" (OrdersList), one order can have "many items" (OrderItemsList)

Hopefully that make sense.
It's possible such chain joins within one list, but only the last instance - in your case orderitems - could be repeatable there.
As Janus says the chaining of joins is possible. A proper response would require more information from you though - what is it that you want to achieve specifically?

For example if its a list of orders where you need to see customer information, you could:

* make a Fabrik list from the db table OrdersList.
* Join OrdersList to OrdersDetailsList - which would then show each item in the order.
* Edit OrdersList.customerID and set that to be a database join element (this would allow you to grab the custom details all be it in a reduced format) . You might want to set up a filter on this element, or create a custom link to load up the edit / view customer page as well.
"Chain joins" that's the word I was trying to think of.
Okay cool that makes sense. I see it now, when I create the first join then saved it. It then shows the other tables in the drop down to be able to chain.

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