how can i restrict the geocode search based on form elements?


Well-Known Member

I have a form with county (dbjoin element) and cities (cdd element) and a text field for street. Based on this elements, i need to move the marker on the google map. Work fine for county and city, but because i don't have a list with all the streets from my country, i use the geocode function.

the problem is that the user can write anything as "street" is possible to validate the element and/or to restrict the geocode search on the map based on options selected for county and city? Now i can add County: Timis, City: Timisoara, Street: bla bla

Thank you
of course :)

To complete the info: i use the elements for geocoding, i set Country: Romania (hidden field, no need to have another country), County: dbjoin element, City: cdd element and street: the textifield element.

the street value is triggered as i type in field
not very sure if this is the best idea, but i set the field for "Street" to be mandatory and read-only. In order to have a value in this field and to submit the info, the marker from google map have to be pinned to the desired street.