How can I get prefilters to work


99% of the time, when it appears that prefilters aren't working, the cause will be your misunderstanding of how the prefilter access level works.

Prefilter access levels work in the reverse order to how you might expect them to. E.g. setting it to "Super administrator" will apply the pre-filter to ALL uses BENEATH super administrator.

If you think about it this does make sense as filters are a restriction on what you can see, so should get applied unless the user is above the specified access level.

A surefire way to test is to set the access level to "everybody"

To view the query produced by your table and its prefilter, in the browser address bar, add "&fabrikdebug=1" to you page's url and refresh. This will dump out the query, and if your prefilter is being applied it will appear in the query after "WHERE".
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