$formModel->getElementData value to string



I have a field (combobox), to select a phone number.
When calling the field value this way:
$number = $formModel->getElementData('tb_envio_sms_ind___sms_numero_enviar_sms_ind');

Returns the value of: "Array" and not the phone number I chose.

How can I resolve this situation?
Any element which is of the "element list" type (radio, dropdown, checkbox, database join, etc) is by definition an array.

If it's a single select (radio, single select dropdown) then you can safely assume the selection is the first and only item in the array, and just pop it ... although it's usually safer to make sure you got an array ...

$number = is_array($number) ? $number[0] : $number;

-- hugh
Any element which is of the "element list" type (radio, dropdown, checkbox, database join, etc) is by definition an array.

If it's a single select (radio, single select dropdown) then you can safely assume the selection is the first and only item in the array, and just pop it ... although it's usually safer to make sure you got an array ...

$number = is_array($number) ? $number[0] : $number;

-- hugh

Many thanks for the reply Cheesegrits!
Situation resolved :)
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