Field Element Full URL render as Image

You should use a "calc" element that would return the proper code.
Asuming the field element with the pasted url is called "url", you would have in the calc element :

return '<img src="' . '{tablename___url}' . '" alt="" />';

Replace "tablename" by the actual table name of the element.
A calc element would work, but a simpler way might be to use the "format string" in the field element settings, maybe ...

<img src="%s" alt="" />

I've never tried this, but I don't see any reason it wouldn't work.

-- hugh
Why make it simple when you can make it difficult?
No, wait! It's the other way around!
Very good tip. Thank you Hugh.
Hey that's pretty impressive, certainly didn't know you could do things like that.

Just another addition to the swiss army knife! :)
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