• Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
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  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

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    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Fabrik and Digital Signature Capture


New Member
I am by no means a Fabrik or Joomla expert, let alone a web developer but wondering if its possible with Fabrik to have a Digital Signature element that gets captured with a new fabrik form and stored in the database on submission.

I don't see that Fabrik does this nativley, but is there any way to tie a jquery plugin, specifically jSignature into Fabrik?

To give some context, we are needing to have a consent form that contains some basic demographic data, legal messaging etc. The form would need to be able to capture a digital signature and store it within the database. We would also need to be able to keep historical signatures for each time the form were edited.

I am more than happy provide additional details if it will help. Note I am open to any version of Joomla\Fabrik.
New element digsig is present now in Github but I don't believe it's the same thing that you expected. People just may understand term "digital signature" differently.

This thread seems to be asking whether the real digital signature is possible here (signature that is a certificate, given with national id-card, with unchangeable timestamp, non-abusable that can be really considered as something legally binding etc, read for example http://www.id.ee/index.php?id=35738)

but the digsig elemet is for drawing an image of a traditional handwritten signature and is usable rather with tablet/smartphone
jSignature seems similar to the plugin Hugh has entered. I agree its not great with a mouse !
Hi everyone,

Somebody knows how to put a background image in the digsig element fabrik instead the line.

Thank you.;)

I found the css code, but nothing... modules>>plugins>>fabrik_element>>digsig>>libs>>signature-pad>>jqueri,singaruedpad.css
and this modules>>plugins>>fabrik_element>>digsig>>libs>>signature-padmaster>>assets>>jqueri,singaruedpad.css

<div class="sigPad">
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="name">
<p class="drawItDesc" style="">Draw your signature</p>
<div class="sig sigWrapper current" style="display: block;">
    <canvas class="pad" width="198" height="55"></canvas>
<div class="sig sigWrapper current" style="display: block;">