Error on ImageMagick library


FabriKant d'applications web
Hi Rob, Hugh and everybody on the forum,

Happy new year and best wishes for 2012 both for yourself and for our preferred application builder ! ;)

Using File Upload Element without Ajax upload but with the ImageMakick lib give an error message while generating a thumb preview of a jpg file :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function NewMagickWand() in /homez.63/apchea/www/conex/components/com_fabrik/helpers/image.php on line 608
The error is there :

            $resource = NewMagickWand();
It seems coming from this test some lines before (around 560) in the function "resize" of the file image.php in the helpers directory :

        if (class_exists('Imagick')) {
Actually the function testImagemagick() around line 80 of the same file produces a result showing im("IM")=>"ImageMagick 6.2.4" in my case. But it seems that the imWand class isn't here since the previous test doesn't give im("IM")=>"Magick wand".

So, I think that in the case where ImageMagick is installed but the class is not for some reason, the resize function fails.

I can use the GD (bundled (2.0.34 compatible), however I'd like to use the pdf resizing feature.

Is this feature implemented in F3.0 since I can't see the option as F2.11 shows at the end of the "Thumbnails" panel ?

Ive not looked at cropping with imagemagic and thus its not yet supported in fabrik 3.
No idea about the pdf resize code - that was Hugh's brain child, I don't know if he's looked at porting it over ? Hugh any ideas?

I faced such problem already. In my case it was due to ImageMagick PHP extension was absent though imageMagick binary library was in place. Test you PHP settings to be sure imageMagick PHP extension is active.

There is a bug in imageHelper class: when detecting imageMagick engine it's not enough to test that binary library is installed but necessary also to test that any imageMagick PHP function exists.
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