email message truncated ?


New Member
Hi all
I'm trying to insert an image in the signature of my mails (using email list plugin).
If I simply use an url call <img src="http://mysite/mypath/myfile.jpg...."> it doesn't work because path is automatically reduced to local name and becomes something like src="./mypath/myfile.jpg" and of course not recognized by receiver.
So I tried to send directly the image after base64 encoding, using :
<img alt="" src="....">. All seems OK when looking at the prepared mail, but the data is truncated somewhere and the image is not ok for the receiver...
Any hint to solve this ?
Thx a lot.
OK the problem is that TinyMCE automatically turns any fully qualified image links into relative ones when it saves the text. The theory there is that it makes articles more portable across site / domain migrations and changes. But leads to problems like this.

I can't recall off the top of my head how to do it, but there is a way of setting the editor profile so it doesn't do that. Mr Google should be able to help you with that.

We do have a helper function that attempts to turn relative image links into fully qualified ones, but it isn't used in the list email plugin for technical reasons. When I get some time, I'll attempt to resolve those, and add image link "fully qualifizing" to that code. But for now, convincing TinyMCE not to do that is your best workaround.

-- hugh
OK, thx for answer. Was thinking something like that. That's the reason why I tried to insert a binary image instead, leading to unsolved email truncation...

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