display records or elements from database in module


since it is my second day with fabrik, I would like to apologise in advance for my inappropriate knowledge.

I am looking for a way to pull data from my fabrik user table to layout a profile page.

I have created a list and form, that belong to Group "user". Within this Group I have elements, that make up my database table "user". I can show the form with my custom registration and i could also show a table displaying all or some elements using a list module.

Now...what if I want to show e.g.

1. user image in one module
2. username + email in one module (but not as a table...rather use shortcodes for example)
3. additional data from table "user" as a simple table in one module

I am asking, because I want to do the layout with SP Page Builder and Heli3 Template.

My problem or what I don't understand:

I have Elements that belong to 1 Group and they are basically database entries of table "user". 1 Form and 1 List belong to this 1 Group. If I want to create a custom Form with different settings for my Elements, I can't use those "user" elements that are already present within the database table "user". Each Group has it's own table in DB and each Element that belongs to this Group is an entry within that table.

How can I get flexible with this?
Sourcerer will work fine for custom php implementation...you can even use a shortcode anywhere to implement your custom php file...this is a nice and flexible solution...

About my understanding on creating multiple LISTS and FORMS with the same database table or ELEMENTS...I have taken this question to Standard Support Forum here

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