Date and time from exif ?


FabriKant d'applications web

How complicated would be to enhance the exif form plugin to extract Date and Time and to assign them to a regular date/time Fabrik element ? Thanks.
Funnily enough we were just talking about the exif plugin, and how we can probably deprecate it, now that we have the same functionality baked into the fileupload plugin.

So just to test that theory - were you aware that you can now do that in the upload plugin itself, and do you see any advantage in having it as a separate form plugin?

As for how complicated ... almost certainly not complicated, but still time consuming, as adding any feature is just lot of tedious work, adding XML params, language strings, etc as well as doing the actual logic coding. So it'd be something I'd need to charge a little for.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh,

Haven't notice this functionality yet. Thanks for pointing it. Sounds a better place rather than form plugin one.
Is it triggered every time the form is edited or only once at image upload ?
As for the data/time extraction, I'll see how strongly my customer is asking for it and be back to agree on whatever cost it could be.
No, the upload element will only do that when uploading a file, not every time a form is edited for existing files.

Does the exif form plugin work for already uploaded data?

One advantage of doing it at upload time is, you can get the exif data even if you are resizing the image. Exif data gets destroyed by a resize, so the upload element does the exif processing before resizing.

Wouldn't be much, under $50.

-- hugh