Custom CSS Classes for Forms and Lists?


New Member

is it possible to define custom css classes for forms and lists?

Looking to the layout section for both (forms and list) i can select a template but not set a css class.

Looking to the generated code using on of the default templates ( i chose bootstrap because my joomla template is bootstrap based) i see the the class attribute from a fabrik list ( the table element), is empty.

I know that i can create my own template and also define my own css rules.

However i would like to be able to pass just a css class to a list or form.
For example there are standard css classes defined in bootstrap like

table table-hover

table table-bordered

table table-striped

that would work directly. But they cannot be assigned.
As it works now, the onyl way i can think of is to modify the template and to hardcode the css class. But it would be much easier to just assign css classes via the backend for a list or form.
This is related to joomla 2.5 and fabrik 3.0.
Unfortunatly the hosting does not provide the right php version for joomla 3.0.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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