CSV export apostrophe '


I have a client that organises a conference for European Institutions. Registration process is set up in Fabrik. The registrations hold all sorts of weird character shit like:
  • Universit?tsstra?e
  • Universit? Ca' Foscari
  • Marcor?
  • Tr?a?ka
They must be able to export to Excel or CSV. The closest I got to a problem free export was EXCEL and UTF8
But still the apostrophe translates into '

Unfortunately this is unacceptable for the client. Is there any way i could solve this. I know it's a very tricky with them apostrophes.

Any ideas?
Theoretically, this should handle that, at line 110 in ./components/com_fabrik/models/csvexport.php ...

            // with UTF8 Excel needs BOM
            $str = ( $input->get('excel') == 1 && $this->getEncoding() == 'UTF-8' ) ? "\xEF\xBB\xBF" : '';

... unless the apostrophe has already been converted to an HTML entity somewhere.

What you could try is at line 248, just before writing the file out, htmlspecialchars_decode it ...

        $str = htmlspecialchars_decode($str, 'ENT_QUOTES');
        $ok = JFile::write($filePath, $str);

Let me know.

-- hugh
With Joomla3.7, Fabrik3.6, Database collation UTF8
CSV export settings: CSV, file encoding UTF8
it's working fine here with Excel365 (which seems to be able to open a regular CSV file directly meanwhile;))
Edit: no, Excel can't handle standard CSV, I opened the wrong file...

What are your element types?
DB collation?
Excel version?
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The table the registration data is stored in (and where i'm making the export from) is
  • "latin1_swedish_ci"
Guess i should change this to UTF8 aswell, can i 'just' do that in phpmyadmin?

>> Tried to set it to utf8_unicode_ci in phpmyadmin. No luck. Or should i try to enter the values again first? (instead of just exporting what was there?)
>>> No luck, added a new record with ' in it and still rendered as '

Elements used in form are:
  • calc
  • date
  • dropdown
  • field
  • internalid
  • radiobutton
  • textarea
  • yesno
It's a 'field' where users type that ' so that's the one i'm focussing on.
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It's working on my site with a simple 'field' element.

Check in phpMyAdmin if the column collation of your field element is UTF8 (I always use UTF8_general_ci, I don't know what is the difference to ...unicode...)
Changing the collation of DB or table doesn't automatically change the (existing) columns.
I changed the coalition for the table and then all the columns manually to UTF8_general_ci. The textfields type is varchar(255). Added a new record but still no luck...
If you get ' this was inserted this way into the field. Did you copy/paste the names from some web-site?
What you could try is at line 248, just before writing the file out, htmlspecialchars_decode it ...

Code (Text):

$str = htmlspecialchars_decode($str, 'ENT_QUOTES')
$str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

Then the export should do with setting "excelCSV" and file encoding = UTF-8
That did the trick!
You didn't have ENT_QUOTES within apostrophes btw, so i didn't do that eihter. Not sure if that was the problem initially... But this worked.

So what was done:

Fabrik export settings: EXCEL and UTF8
Table coalition: UTF8_general_ci
Individual columns coalition: UTF8_general_ci
The textfields type: varchar(255).
Change line 248 in ./components/com_fabrik/models/csvexport.php
replace :
       $ok = JFile::write($filePath, $str);
with :
       $str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
       $ok = JFile::write($filePath, $str);

So will this be changed in github or is this just solving my specific problem (and should i secure the file)?
I'm not sure if in
html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
UTF-8 has to be replace by the file encoding for general use.

I'll leave the GitHub to @cheesegrits ;)
I'm not sure that I want to put that in the code. As we've both said, if it's rendering an entity, that means the entity is what is stored in the data. And I can see valid reasons where people might have entities in their raw data they want to keep as entities. Any quotes entered through normal Fabrik usage should already be decoded before storing. So any entities in the data could well be deliberate, and shouldn't be decoded.

So it would almost certainly need YAFO. And I'm just not wild about adding yet another option to the CSV handling, for something this corner case.

We have a CSV export hook you can access through a plugin (I think I added export hooks), and that might be the way to handle this.

Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
It's the listcsv plugin (although the description in Fabrik Downloads only mentions import it has hooks for export, too, meanwhile).
So i should grab that ./components/com_fabrik/models/csvexport.php file and place it in ./plugins/fabrik_list/listcsv/scripts/ ?

And select it as export script?
No, "discover" and install the listcsv plugin (or get it from the downloads) and add it to your list.
Then in
Export Row PHP Code
"Code to run before each rows is exported. Modifying $listModel->csvExportRow['yourtable___yourelement'] will modify the data. Returning false will skip the row. Will be run in addition to any selected file, so can call functions defined in the file(s)"
you can add something like

$listModel->csvExportRow['yourtable___yourelement'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['yourtable___yourelement'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
Ok, reverted that file to its original state.
Added this in that code box for the list element (so each field element in that form basically)
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___title'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___first_name'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___first_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___last_name'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___last_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___jobtitle'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___jobtitle'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___organization'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___organization'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___address'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___address'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___address_2'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___address_2'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___city'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___city'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___dietary_remarks'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___dietary_remarks'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___zip'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___zip'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___Country'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___Country'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___email'] = html_entity_decode($listModel->csvExportRow['fab_conference_registrations___email'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

Did export and it worked as expected. As soon as i turn off the list plugin it converts the apostrophe to ' again. So this is working.

Thanks a lot for the help on this guys!
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.