csv download fails


i'm afraid i have to throw my hat in the ring with others who are having this problem.
i haven't been able to download any csv files.

0 / records.
saving to

i've tried everything i can think of. are there any joomla or fabrik settings i should know about that might help? extension manager says fabrik is up to date.
Have you updated from GitHub? That will give you the latest files.

Don't update via Fabrik after that though as you will actually regress.
i think i sorted it with fabrik settings. the tooltip help is slightly vague (incorrect imho) and threw me off.

edit: actually it still fails. i'm now getting an ajax popup with the ability to select the type of export and a field list but still no data is being exported. and the file that is exported is an index.php file.
I'm still unable to reproduce any issues with CSV export.

Can you point me at an example list on your site where it is failing?

-- hugh
The login you have given us doesn't seem to be an admin account, so I can't get in to the backend.

-- hugh
hi, hope all's well.
i was tied up for a bit. i tried some more things but still stuck on this.
i've updated the log-in to the back-end. (i did not add /administrator to the url).

all i can come up with so far is an error when i click on 'download csv':
getData:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
server version for the right syntax to use near ' `db_table`.`id` AS `__pk_val` FROM `db_table` LIMIT
100, 100' at line 1 SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT , `db_table`.`id` AS `__pk_val`
FROM `db_table` LIMIT 100, 100
which seems to relate to the very last method in csvexport.php.
hopefully it's something straightforward.

(p.s. the error above is just one example of a failed export. it happens on all tables/lists.)

- i checked a few tables and the error is the same on al;
- the tables have a pk set in the db;
- i tried exporting with the id showing in the list and not showing. didn't help either way;
- i also grabbed the most recent csvexport.php file from github and that didn't help.
i also grabbed the most recent csvexport.php file from github and that didn't help.
This usually won't do.
then do a complete GitHub update.
On my site export is working in frontend and backend.
Did you try different browsers?
Yes, the CSV exporting process is very browser dependent. Anything involving AJAx and downloading of files usually is.

And as Troester says, you can't "cherry pick" files, that's likely to cause more problems than it solves. Often the fix for an issue is elsewhere in the code, in a class the model loads. So just updating a specific model, like csvexport.php, won't help. And it can cause more errors, if the file you updated relies on changes to other files.

-- hugh
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