Content plugin doesn't work in form's / group's intro and footer text

I've had issues with the plugin when using any level of caching. So far my only workaround has been to use the module instead. Hopefully the devs can address in a future release.
would this be easy to fix? If not, I could find another solution.
It just would be nice if it was possible to put data from another table in a table's intro text.
Do you have "run Joomla plugins" set in the list's advanced settings?

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"run Joomla plugins" seams to be enabled by default, so it's set.
but it doesn't work.
btw, I'm trying to get this running in a form
It definitely works.

If you look in


... around line 308, in the output() method, you'll see this:

        if ($params->get('process-jplugins', 2) == 1 || ($params->get('process-jplugins', 2) == 2 && $model->isEditable() === false))
            $cloak = $view === 'details' && $this->app->input->get('format') !== 'pdf';
            FabrikHelperHTML::runContentPlugins($text, $cloak);

If you add an 'exit' there, like ...

        if ($params->get('process-jplugins', 2) == 1 || ($params->get('process-jplugins', 2) == 2 && $model->isEditable() === false))
            $cloak = $view === 'details' && $this->app->input->get('format') !== 'pdf';
            FabrikHelperHTML::runContentPlugins($text, $cloak);

... and view your form again, it should break.

-- hugh
maybe there's something wrong in the way that I used the content plugin...
Can you please have a look?

this is where I used it in the backend

it should be visible in the frontend here

if you log in here
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You had "Process Joomla plugins" (in the form's Options tab) set to "Details View Only". Needed to be "Form and Details View".

Not entirely sure how we can make that option any clearer ... if it's set to Details View Only, it's not going to happen in form view. :)

I set it to "Form and Details View". It now works in your form view.

-- hugh
The thing about defaults is, whatever I set it to, someone will think that's the wrong thing to set it to. :)

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