Content plugin behaviour



Ive got a content plugin (for a list) on a details page and it all looks fine at first. However I have noticed a few problems:

-when trying to naviate to the next page of the list (via next or a number button) it looks like it is loading but freezes.
-if 'end' is chosen it shows the last page but the navigation buttons are gone.

I have tried various settings in the list view and details view, and also have tried to use a standard template (the one I am using is a custom overide).

Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated.

Kind Regards
I can't replicate.
Did you put the content plugin somewhere else than in intro or outro (e.g. group intro, display element...)?
This won't do because in this case you are creating nested form tags. It would be possible with a custom list template for display only (without <form....), but then you won't have navigation etc.

Thank you for your reply. The plugin is in the footer of a details template and seems to display correctly at first.

I have tested again with a 'test' list with only a few very basic elements and it seems to be working fine (that is, the navigation is correct). So I think that the problem is due to some element or elements on the list I wanted to use itself.

I have tried various settings so if there are any further suggestions I would be very greatful.

Kind Regards
Check your browser console (Console and also in Network response) for JS errors.