Combining data from two forms into one list


First I would like to thank all of you who helped me with my Leader Board. I am able to understand more about how Fabrik works. The leader board is looking pretty good and almost the way I would like it to.

The site is ahd the leader board is at the following link

The list of teams is the icon in the menu that looks like people.

I need to have a form with input fields for each team - lets call it "new form". The form data needs to be at the top or bottom of the corresponding team page. I can make the form with the elements but how would I get the elements to show on the team pages? Would I add the "new form" elements to the list that creates the team pages? Or would I have to do a dbjoin or ??

Hey Anna

I would use either :

1) A Fabrik form module to place the form inside a Joomla module position
2) A Fabrik content plugin to embed the form in the list intro/outro text, ensure the plugin is installed and published, then add the following text into the list's intro or outro text:

{fabrik view=form formid=X}

where X is your form's id. More info here


I see the actual form when I link to it from the menu. I didn't auite get my thoughts across earlier.

I just want the input from the form to show in the team list. For instance, to have the 4 tasks show horizontally underneath the White Team Leaderboard, would I have the elements from the form added to the list elements along with all the other list elements? I would like the data to show directly underneath the Title and before the leader board list of members. Is this possible?

Hi Anna

I'm not at all sure what you mean sorry ;( - perhaps a drawing of what you are after might make things clearer?
I just replied in the other thread, but I think you want to have different forms which all store to the same database table?
If so then you can copy your form and edit the elements to be published/unpublished on each form to match that particular form's needs.
Not quite. One form will only give the shop keeper the ability to list the 4 tasks he is assigning to a team and the team name. This data is stored in a different table than the "Master Grom Manager" form. The 4 tasks and the team name need to be added to the team leader board under the team like this:

White Team
task 1 task2 task3 task4
Team Name: Ninjas

Then a list of all team members are below. The team leaderboards are already in place on the site. You can click the icon which shows people and select the team from a drop down list and see the team leader boards.

That's it for the custom team form itself.

Now my client wants the shop keeper to be able to select the tasks as options of an element on the Grom Manager form.

It should look like this:

White Team:
"checkbox" task1 "checkbox" task2 "checkbox" task3 "checkbox" task4

Blue Team:
"checkbox" task1 "checkbox" task2 "checkbox" task3 "checkbox" task4

Green Team:
"checkbox" task1 "checkbox" task2 "checkbox" task3 "checkbox" task4

and so on for each team.

I need to know how to setup an element that would bring into the "Grom Manager" form the above information from the team custom forms table. And once the store inputs a member they can select the checkboxes for the tasks the member completed. Then these tasks will also show on the Member Bio.

I think I can figure out the Member Bio additions base on the sample you created but I don't know how to list the tasks and team name under the "White Team" on the team leader boards. I also don't know how to make the data from "white_custom" table show up as options on the Grom Manager form.

I hope this didn't confuse the issue more.

Hi Anna
lol sorry yes I'm yet again baffled as to what it is you need. Any chance you can provide some designs of how its meant to look, and some documentation about how the system is designed and meant to work.
From the outside it all seems a bit too vague as to which exact lists you have or need, what data they are meant to store or represent, what users interact with your system and what tasks each user is meant to perform.
I'm trying to get the details/drawings done so you can see what we need. Perhaps we are over thinking it and you would be able to tell us.

OK. Here is the diagram.


We already have the "Grom Manager" form created and have data from it in our database. We need to have a "All Teams Form" which will allow us to name the teams and assign each team its tricks the members must do to achieve the "Trick" badges. There are 9 or 10 individual teams each one has its own tricks and team name.

We need the information we enter into the "All Teams Form" to automatically show on the individual team leaderboard pages. Each team specific tricks from the All Team Form also needs to auto populate the Grom Manager Form as checkbox selectable elements. Once these are checked on the Grom Manager Form the information will show up for each specific member as the Grom Manager info does now.

I need help with how to make the All Team Form info show up on the team leaderboards and on the Grom Manager form.

I currently have one table but can create another one if necessary for us to do a DBjoin or ???. Help with how to code the elements on the Grom Manager form so the table name is auto populated would be appreciated.

Let me know if you still have difficulty understanding what we are trying to accomplish or if you have any suggestions that would work better.

I'm now updating my subscription.

hi Anna
Thanks for the diagram :)
The all teams form is really more of a list. It would be easier to create if you just used a list pointing to your teams database table. If you need to then edit the records on the list page itself, you could install the list inline edit plugin

For the custom badges, the best design would be to create a list for the badges, with fields, id, label, image (a file upload element). Then replace you current badges checkbox with a database join element pointing to this list. This would allow you to easily add/remove custom badges.

Likewise I would make a tricks list, to enable easy management, and create a database join in the teams form to link to this list. Database join elements can be set to render as checkboxes so you can select multiple tricks/badges on the form.
Thanks Rob.

Now I'm confused. I create the elements and then create the "List" for the shop owner to input the data? I thought I needed a form to have the shop input the data and that a list shows data that has been input. In your answer, I should create a database table for each team? Can you please list what I should do in order so I get a better idea of what you mean? Some how the data needs to get to the database and I don't understand how that will happen with a list.

For the custom badges - we don't want to replace the ones there, just add a Custom Badges section to the Grom Manager form. I'm also confused here on how to get the data into a list that would post to the Grom Manager form. I thought all data had to be input using a form and after data was saved from a form then I could create a list. Please explain.

We originally were going to have individual Team Custom Forms where the shop owner could enter the data that would populate over to the Grom Manager, Team Leaderboard, and Member Bio. We then thought it would be easier on the shop owner if they had 1 form where they could enter all the teams custom info and have that populate over. Are you saying we should stick with our original plan and have different forms for each team?

I am not aware that a list can be used to input data. I thought only a form can be used for inputting data.

Here is what I think I need to do based on your reply:

Create elements for each item we need for each team, creating a separate team database table for each team.
Then somehow place these elements on a editable list - not sure how to do that.
Then have data from the editable lists populate the Grom Manager - unclear on how to do this too.

Any more detailed instructions would be appreciated.

I think this may well be easier if we get together, and walk you through the initial steps, rather than going back and forth on the forum. What time zone are you in?

-- hugh
OK ... well it's about 4am here, I'm hoping to get some sleep soon. So I'll probably surface around midday(ish), 10am your time. And I'll probably have drunk enough coffee to be human, and checked my mail etc by about midday your time. So try hitting up the live chat about then.

-- hugh
Sorry I missed you last night, I completely forgot it was Friday night, and I had a gig I had to play out of town.

-- hugh
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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