Checking two unique values


New Member
Been trying to get this to work...

I have a questionnaire form that is submitted anonymously without the need to login in. People have to select a part 1 code which is a drop down and is a database join linked to users id code like 851 (feedback___linkuseridemail) . The part 2 code is a free text code which i want to make sure is a unique value in respect to the part 1 code (feedback___Part_2_Code).

Example someone could submit the form with part 1 code 850 with a part 2 code of 123123
Then someone could submit the form with part 1 code 851 with a part 2 code of 123123
But is someone submitted the form with part 1 code 850 or what ever with code 123123 which had already been used it would display an error!


There's a "areunique values" validation.
If you are running a Fabrik GitHub update discover/install/enable it in ExtentionManager.
If you are running the 3.0.9 download version download and install it from the download area.
is that the same as isuniquevalue? I've tried the isuniquevalue validation but because it validates against all feedback___Part_2_Code entries it doesnt work. i need it to almost cross ref the part 1 code at the same time
Create new calc element :

return "{feedback___linkuseridemail}" "{feedback___Part_2_Code}";

On this element using isuniquevalue for validation.
downloaded the areunique values validation from github and it did exactly was it says on the tin!! Worked a treat! Thanks