Change template


I have a fabrikar list showing on the front with my "joomla homepage template", the problem is that when i try to go to detail page i still showing in my "joomla homepage template". Is there a way to get it to show fabrikar detailpages in my "joomla default template" ?

I am not talking about fabrikar template but showing a different joomla template on fabrikar list and another on detail fabrikar view.
You can add a hidden menu item (using the joomla default template) and add a custom details link (in list settings/Links) going to ...&Itemid=your-hidden-menuitemId
I cant get it to work. Added a new identical hidden button but with a different joomla template. In list - link i added &Itemid=201 but then i just got a new list. the url after i added the link was: /component/fabrik/list/4?Itemid=201?rowid=1-fjelltur-tinden

i also tried to add {detailsview}&Itemid=201 without any luck
You must define your details URL (you can omit the rowid, Fabrik will append it), like