Calucalation and split


I can't access the admin - guess you changed the ?xxxxx query string value from the one you wrote in our 'my sites' form?
I couldn't access the list in the front end after having logged in either - I was shown this message instead:

Du er ikke autoriseret til at se denne side.

Could you double check the site details please, so I can see the list/ log in

I think i've come closer to the core of the problem. If I group on a field that is not a database join then it works, but my name field is a databasejoin field - and when I group on that i get an error an the calculation does not work !! Can one not group on a databasejoin field ?

aha got it!
The group by was on a database join element, with a concat label.
The CONCAT field name was then incorrectly quoted in the calcuation query -
Should be fixed now on your site
and in github