Calendar visualization fails to show tables list


I am unable to see a list of tables from either the J! database or a custom database. Media and Slide show visualization options show tables from the custom database but not the site. None of the other plugins show any table options. Is there a current problem or am I doing something wrong ?
I am just selecting the dropdown value "Calendar" - so probably 'old calendar' ? I have used Full Calendar outside Fabrik - is this another alternative for showing Fabrik list data ?
The Old calendar is deprecated in favor of the Full Calendar. You may need to enable the plugin for it. If you have never updated from github you may need to do so first to get the plugin downloaded.
Thanks for this. Full calendar is a good application and it is good news that it should work with Fabrik. Thanks again.
No Hugh, the calendar plug in shows no tables, either local db or custom. The 'spinner', which indicates it is looking as applies for Media/Slide Show, does not appear.
Is this on Full Calendar? I just tried on mine and it works fine. One thing you can try, turn on your browser debug and see if you get any error in your console. Also, you did clear cache in J! and your browser?
Thanks for checking this out. I haven't yet tried the full calendar plugin for Fabrik - I presume it is Visualization Calendar Plug in 3.5 ? You mentioned earlier a git update to 3.5. The application where I want the visualization is currently 3.4.3 / J! 3.6 but before updating to Fabrik 3.5 I'd like to run it on a test site. So that's where I'm off to !
In Fabrik3.5 you have two calendar viz plugins:
"calendar" (the old one) and "fullcalendar" (new)

Both are showing all tables on all selected connections on my site.

You must run Fabrik3.5 on Joomla 3.6.
Thanks Troester I have Full Calendar running on Fabrik 3.5 / J!3.6 Looks really good. I will build another F 3.5/J!3.6 and test without installing the plug-in (new) to see the difference.

In order to refresh the 3.5 Fabrik download with the latest git, I download the git zip, unzip and ftp copy the lot into the J! root ?
I am unable to see the list of tables from the database. Connection pull down menu will show any available connections but the Table will always ask for a "selection first". This applies both to calendar and full calendar. I am running the latest Joomla 3.8.0 with Fabrik 3.7
Any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks.
Have you updated Fabrik to the latest github? I am running 3.8.0 and lates git update and I see all the database tables.
If you updated to J! 3.8, you *must* update from github. See wiki.

We'll have a Fabrik 3.8 release out next week.

-- hugh
I have managed to update Fabrik with the latest github master. The process with wget worked alright. I discovered a lot of plug-ins and i installed as suggested.
Now the database tables are shown in the drop down menu.
Just to mention that in Joomla's Extentions/Manage/Manage the Fabrik extentions are still reported as version 3.7. Is this normal?
Thanks both of you!