bug with default for dropdown element's sub-option


1) dropdown element (id 997) has value 2 with label "??? ?????????????" as default for sub-option. Second suboption has value 1 with label "???????????":
confirmation is not active by default.PNG
2) user fill a form and save it, and has no access to change value in element 997. So, it should record default value 2 with label "??? ?????????????".
3) view data of list and checking value of this element - it is 1 with label "???????????" instead of default:
confirmation saved as active in list.PNG
As a result list's prefilter with this element works wrong and my users cannot see data. Element 997 works with a list id 46, and I use similar mechanism with such element in different lists, for example, Projects id26, Zayavky id19 etc. I meet with this prob not for the first time, and it looks like sometimes it come back, so possibly it is pendulum between 2 same pain-points
Please, check and correct it ASAP!I'm on Skype for any questions
hi vadim I tested this but don't get the same results. I had the elements access for both form and details set to something higher than my current user and I created a new record and saved and the default value is shown in the list. Are you using the latest github?
No, I don't use the latest github till work of freelancer will be finished or I' afraid of more unexpected errors. As for you example - I have no comments. The only I know - all is unbalanced after this bug and show uncorrected info at front end. It'll be great if you repeat your test when I can monitor it at the same time. Is it possible for tomorrow?
Like Rob, I can't duplicate this. See this video:


Can you tell me if there is anything about my dropdown setup which is different to yours that I could change for my test?

If you can't run the latest code, we can't really debug the issue. My best suggestion is that you use Akeeba, clone your site to a sandbox, and apply the latest github to that. If that doesn't fix the problem, then we can at least be debugging a version of your site which is a) not the one you have other people working on, so it doesn't matter if we break it, and b) running the same code we are, which makes things a LOT easier.

-- hugh
I've checked your page for github, as I was there before your prob with wiki. Now github looks like as the most threat to the web-site!(( I'm not ready to expose my site to such risk, never used Akeeba or smth and it is not good opportunity to get new knowledge at this stage. Freelancer made new element "sms-like", which I can choose in regular window of element's type, what will happen with it after github? I don't want to destroy my web-site or created comonents! Please, don't press me for such "github", maybe later I'll learn how to do it with another site, but not now. If you can do it correctly at my web-site, it'll be great and save all of us a lot of time.
If you cannot I have no claims - just forget about github, and let's continue within curent code of Fabrik at my web-site. I'll check what you did and what exactly you cannot duplicate, and prepare the question within curent code of Fabrik.
this is service of host-company, not mine headache. If you have good info how to use Akeeba, please send me a link. Here I'd like to continue about fixing mentioned bug of Fabrik, thank you for understanding!
If you have good info how to use Akeeba, please send me a link.
Really! You should be able to google that Vadim, not asking people to google it for you - but sigh here is the link to their documentation, https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation.html (I'm just too kind -really I am :))
We can't support a site if we can't upgrade it, you should definately not rely on hosts for backups, and as a manager of a site you should have a clear policy in place for implementing and managing change. This falls outside of Fabrik support.
Both Hugh and I have tested, neither of us can replicate the issue with the current code. You should create a backup of your site, install it on a test server, update from github and see if that fixes the issue.
Rob, I didn't ask you to provide back-up of my site, thread here is not about Akeeba - I react at note of troester. SO, let's come back to the problem. I use Fabrik code and I report about bug with it, and you should correct it. And this is your responsibility. Instead of fixing bug at web-site you promote a proposal, which has much more risks, will take a lot of time, and no garanty at all that it will help finally. So, why do you wonder that I don't like your proposal? If you don't want to fix your bug, please, don't tell me about managing of my web-site - for me it looks like you try to hide your responsibility for fabrik-code by totally different question about backup. I see that you prefer to spent time here at forum for strange comments instead of fixing your bug. If this is the only what you can, let's make a pause as this way of discussion makes me frustrating.
No, I don't use the latest github till work of freelancer will be finished

Is the freelancer finished?

You said you are unwilling to apply a github update because you are worried about new problems. Well, that's EXACTLY what one of the main uses of Akeeba is, which is used by over a million Joomla admins world wide for doing this exact thing - cloning their sites to "sandbox" test sites for debugging, and staging / testing new changes. If you are unwilling to learn how to proeprly adminster and run a Joomla web site, then the only way we can proceed is by running your live site with the latest code.

If you don't want to do what a million other Joomla admins do and run Akeeba to create a tests ite, then you will just have to take the risk of running new code on your live site. So let us know when you are ready to update. We cannot debug your site with it running old code.

-- hugh
Today I did github and check the problem after - it is the same as I said at the beginning and show at pics!!(( I reported about this problem a month ago, and I feel this month of my time was stolen by no will to understand what exactly going on. I'm angry. Very angry. And I really hope you are ready to fix fabrik's bug instead of all that bullshit with akeeba etc!((
My proposal - repeat my next steps to meet a problem at my site.
1. Go in here https://dobrochyn.org/index.php/login from your social media
2. Publish a project on-line here https://dobrochyn.org/index.php/typography/money/for-projects just put words "TEST" in fields of form.
3. Logout here https://dobrochyn.org/index.php/login by clicking on "?????"
4. Login again as "testing" (P:testing1234)
5. Click on "??? ??? ????? ???????" - you should see you project in a list. If not - this is a problem, which I reported about, and you should read carefull from the beginning where is a prob with a dropdown.
Ready to assist from skype. Troester, I think after 5-th step it will need in access to back-end of my site, so please, let Rob to check and to respond by himselves.
Vadim, Akeeba backup is a life safer. Saved my ass couple of times already. Highly recommended for any Joomla website.
Look Vadim - you were running an old version of the code, we give support on what we can test. Blaming us for the fact it took you a month to do what any site administrator who cares about due dilligence should do its completely incoherent. You could if you wanted to, have got it running on the same day, ran a backup upgraded and then discovered there was still an issue. Really - you need to stop expecting us to hold your hand every time you have to do something with your server, we are not here to support that - if you can't/won't do it then you can continue to expect clashes with us as we tell you what are common best practices in the industry and you continue to ingnore and them blame us for this.

1. Go in here https://dobrochyn.org/index.php/login from your social media
2. Publish a project on-line here https://dobrochyn.org/index.php/typography/money/for-projects just put words "TEST" in fields of form.
3. Logout here https://dobrochyn.org/index.php/login by clicking on "?????"
4. Login again as "testing" (P:testing1234)
5. Click on "??? ??? ????? ???????" - you should see you project in a list. If not - this is a problem, which I reported about, and you should read carefull from the beginning where is a prob with a dropdown.

??? ??? ????? ??????? points to list id 47 and NOT id 46 as you originally posted. Which one should I be looking at?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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