bug fix

Is there anywhere specific where you accept bug fix requests? Pre-upgrade I had made some changes in Fabrik code which I lost in the upgrade (which is ok and was expected as I keep your codebase with my changes in a local svn) but I feel like I should submit some of these so they come with future Fabrik updates. An example for an easy fix, placeholders don't work in the button plugin. Fix was to add FText to the label:

in plugins/fabrik_element/button/button.php line 87:
changed: $displayData->label = $element->label;
to be: $displayData->label = FText::_($element->label);
Yes svn somewhat due to legacy employer preference:)
I'll be working tomorrow and will confirm why my file is different in size. I do have more changes and am sure I can figure out git but by all means if you have a good reference/quickstart guide I'd be more than happy to check it out.

It's a bit of a steep learning curve.

Here's github's tutorial ...


.. which shows you to how to do it the "right" way. That is, first fork the repo you are interested in. That creates a copy under your account on github. Then clone that (your fork) to your local machine. Then set up the original repo as a "remote" on your local clone. Then you can make changes locally, and commit/push the to your copy on github. And you can merge any changes in the original repo to your fork and fetch them to your local clone, through the "remote" you set up (which basically establishes the original as the "upstream master"). And you can submit pull requests from your fork to the original (which show up in the original repo as a request, that the owner can then merge with a single click).

The biggest hassle is usually getting git installed locally and setting up your SSH keys (generate them locally in git bash, copy and paste the key into your github account settings). But that's a one-off thing, once done you never have to worry about it again.

However, you can kind of cheat a little. If there's just a few changes you want to submit, you can skip the whole local clone thing. Just fork the repo on github. Then on your copy, edit the files directly on the github web pages. Then submit a PR (pull request).

But long term, it's better to go whole hog, install git locally, and clone your fork to your local machine. Especially if you run a local web server for dev / testing. As it's then possible to copy your local clone in over the top of your live web folder, and merge / pull changes in directly to that. Makes keeping up with Fabrik's github changes a LOT easier.

-- hugh
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