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Autofill problem - urgent!

No prefilter is set - as I wrote earlier - this worked 3 weeks ago, before i updated Joomla - I have touched nothing in fabrik.
Updated Joomla from which version?
Any other changes (e.g. php version, Joomla template,...)?

You may check:
id elements published and selected as PK in list settings?
open/resave your Fabrik connection (do you have multiple ones?)
I think I updated from 3.3.3 to 3.3.6

id's are all ok.
I only have one connection - resaving does not change anything.
I can see that the inserted javascript is this:

var autofill = new Autofill({"observe":"xxxxxx_fabriktable_bonusskema___student","trigger":"","formid":2,"map":"{\"xxxxxx_fabriktable_bonusskema_student___department\":\"xxxxxx_fabriktable_bonusskema___department_foreign\",\"xxxxx_fabriktable_bonusskema_student___birthday\":\"xxxxxx_fabriktable_bonusskema___birthday_foreign\"}","cnn":"1","table":"1","editOrig":false,"confirm":false,"autofill_lookup_field":null,"fillOnLoad":false});

I think it looks allright. I really don't see what the problem is. Also I see no javascript conflicts on the site - please help.
I'm still unable to login. You've removed the hostname from your My Sites info, so I'm going by what my browser is remembering as the URL, based on the holmenside/ path. See this screencast. I've tried copying and pasting the password from your My Sites info, typing it by hand, and using Last Pass (which has the creendtials from the last time I successfully logged in).

[deleted screencast]

Let me know as soon as you've watched the cast, and I'll remove it from this post.

-- hugh
Hi - I've seen it. I have corrected the URL in My sites (I think you are trying to login on my testsite) - the URL was missing a ".dk" - please try again,
You have to go into the mysites settings and copy paste the url - there is some serucity that is obviously being removed in the link you are using. I think it is because the http:// in front is missing in the link.

..or you can simplyt copy the link you are using and paste into the browser - then it works,
OK, I was finally able to login.

It seems to be an issue with the grouping on the Students table. Don't know why the J! upgrade would have broken things, I'm looking at that now. Meanwhile, I've turned off grouping on your Students table, while I work out the fix for that locally, which allows the autofill to work again.

-- hugh
Please write as soon as you're finished - because i have to manually edit all post the last 4 weeks to get this to work again - best before tomorrow ! :-(
Could you eventually tell me if this is gonna work to update the missing fields in the database:

For the department_foreign column:
update XXXXXX_fabriktable_bonusskema, XXXXXX_fabriktable_student
set XXXXXX_fabriktable_bonusskema.department_foreign=XXXXXX_fabriktable_bonusskema_student .department
where XXXXXX_fabriktable_bonusskema_student .id =XXXXXX_fabriktable_bonusskema.student;
I've applied the fix on your site, and re-applied grouping on your Students table, seems to work now.

I really don't know what broke it. Something to do with a change in the guts of the J! database API. I'm still trying to work that out, so I can anticipate any other issues it may cause us. The workaround for the autofill was a kind of bandaid, to get you going again.

-- hugh