Article Filter on select Custom Fields


Hi I've spoken to some of the Fabrik folks about this before. I know it can be done, but I'm not 100% sure how to go about it.

Project brief: Volunteer projects directory searchable by country and/or project category.

My idea: Ok, so I'm using Joomla articles as my "projects" and I've created a Projects category with sub categories for the various types of projects, i.e., Child Care, Community, etc etc.
Unfortunately I cannot put an article in another category (like if I had categories for all the countries too)
I've got Tags.... but, it's all just a mish mash of tags, countries and project types all together, so no order to it.

So I'm thinking, create two custom fields for each of these projects, Checkbox of available project types, and a dropdown custom field for countries.

So now... the million dollar question. Can I create a filter using Fabrik. So above my Projects page (category blog layout showing image, intro, tags) in a module position, have a Fabrik Form module that can filter that page by Project type and/or country?

Database joins..? Do I create a Fabrik list of all articles? Is it even possible? And if possible, what would the search results look like, can I make a custom page that would give the results in the same format as a category blog layout?

OR, what if, I create the whole thing inside Fabrik with the fields I need and then just link the specific category of articles for the major content parts which has tabs and thumbnail galleries, etc etc?

Any input from the fabrik pros would be highly appreciated!

PS, here's a link to what I am trying to rebuild: www dot khayavolunteer dot com /projects
No, you can't filter a Joomla category blog view with Fabrik.

I'd look at doing it with a Fabrik list, using a customized 'div' template.

-- hugh
There isn't a way that I could make the articles of a specific Joomla category a list in Fabrik and then add two additional fields to it which I can use to filter them?