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    See the details here

After filter, edit a Fabrik line and return doesn't come back to the Fabrik list


In general, by consulting a Fabrik list in the Joomla administration, the URL is: index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&cid=3
After applying a filter or sorting, the URL becomes index.php?resetfilters=0&clearordering=0&clearfilters=0
When editing a line, the URL is index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=form.view&formid=3&rowid=1318
When I click on the Return button, I do not return to the list but to the host of the website administration, because the return URL no longer contains the list ID.

Does anyone have a solution to get back to the list?
I can't find a setting to do this and the Redirect plugin of the form doesn't work with the Back button, only with the Save buttons
Hi !

I'm not entirely sure what you want to achieve, but in general the back/retrun button does simply retrun/go back to the previous page. It is like if you would click the back button in your browser.

What you could do is setup a custom button with the button element and make it jump to the page you want. However, this button will not appear on the same level as the usual form buttons. Maybe you could trick around with CSS....

It's only in the backend, only with the "Back" button (Save is working) and only if the list was filtered or filter cleared, correct?
What you could do is setup a custom button with the button element and make it jump to the page you want. However, this button will not appear on the same level as the usual form buttons. Maybe you could trick around with CSS....
Fantastic, thank you very much !
It works fine with the following URL index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=3&resetfilters=0&clearordering=0&clearfilters=0 in JavaScript tab to keep user's filters
Button is one step above but it's great.
It's only in the backend, only with the "Back" button (Save is working) and only if the list was filtered or filter cleared, correct?
Yes, only in the backend, only with "back" button and only if the list was filtered or filter cleared.
Good you got a workaround.
It's obvioulsy an old F3 issue (losing the com_fabrik... on filtering in the backend).