View details in content pluging not working


view=details in content pluging not working.

I'm using
{fabrik view=details id=1 usekey=userid rowid=-1}

But it only shows the form view and not the details.

Any ideas??
I see whats happening here,

I'm using it inn a fabrik form description an not an content-article.

The "view=details" are overwriten by the "view=form" in the url.


Last year a used this form and then it was working.

Is it a bug or ?...
Hmmm, it may be something to do with replacing the deprecated J! JRequest calls with $app->input() calls for getting and setting query string args.

I'll have a look, see what I can see.

-- hugh
Oh, are you displaying the details for the same form your plugin string is in the intro for, or a different form? Does it make any difference?

-- hugh
It works for me. I placed {fabrik view=details id=1 row=1} in my introduction and saw what I expected.

Are you running a fairly recent Github?
Hey, no it's not the same form.

It's a confimation form where the customer has to check a checkbox to confirm the things he has done in other forms.

So the one and main form are in form mode but all the others I want to show in detail mode.

Have you changed anything?
Hmmm, works for me.

Ah, interesting. If I replace my SEF'ed URL for the main form with a non-SEF'ed one, i.e. index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=form&formid=X&rowid=Y, then I see what you describe.

Do you have J! SEF enabled?

If not, can you try enabling it, and see if the problem goes away?

-- hugh
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