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Very slow list load Fabrik on Joomla 3.10.6


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am experiencing some unexpected issues with Fabrikar.com. For over two years, everything worked smoothly, but a couple of days ago, without any modifications or updates, the list loading time increased from 5 seconds to 30 seconds or more.

I came across this thread (https://fabrikar.com/forums/index.p...st-of-records-is-very-long.53259/#post-278244) and tried option No. 2:

2) If you have no joins, then I would disable an element at a time to see if that makes a difference. Once you do this, you can focus on that element to see what may be the issue.

Following the suggestion from user Bruce Decker in option 2, I found that when I unpublished all yes/no plugins, the list loaded perfectly fine. However, once I published them again, the list loading became super slow.

I have changed the dropdown to a field and looked for anything that looks out of the ordinary, but I cannot find anything.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Hmm, "without any modifications" on a totally outdated system? Maybe your host updated somthing or your site with big security holes got hacked or a new browser version does no longer play well with old JS or ...

Do you have JS errors in your browser console?

Suggestions: Update to recent Joomla 4 (or J!5) and Fabrik.

Latest J!3.10 was J!3.10.12, not longer supported since last year and with known security issues.
Try https://docs.joomla.org/Planning_for_Mini-Migration_-_Joomla_3.10.x_to_4.x/en
Thank you, Troester, for your prompt response. I was concerned about this possibility, as I had a difficult experience with a previous migration. Now, it seems I'll have to go through it again. Hopefully, it will be smoother this time. I hope not to have to trouble you again. Cheers.
Fabrik 3.10 Release. I'm planning to update Joomla and then migrate to Fabrik 4, as I believe this may be the root of the issue. Thank you once again for your help. I'll be sure to update you on the outcome.
Hello everyone! It's a bit frustrating to be back again, but here I am. After successfully upgrading Joomla to 4.4.4 and Fabrik to version 4, everything seemed to be running smoothly, especially with PHP 8.1. However, I'm encountering an issue with the list loading time—it's just as slow as it was before the upgrade. As I mentioned earlier, when I unpublish the yes/no elements, the list loads fine. I've meticulously combed through configurations, tried different filter settings, but alas, the result remains the same: slow loading times. I'm at a loss here. Do you have any other suggestions? Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!
If you can provide access to your Fabrik-backend (via Private Conversation option). I could take a quick look.
You might try enabling J! debug and take a look at the sql queries, one or more may be taking a very long time and this may point you in a direction to look.
Well, that was bit of a mystery. So the issue was that list loading time increased about 5 seconds per every enabled yes/no element.

JDebug gave no good hints. Fabrik generated list queries seemed fine and run in a fraction of a second in PhpMyAdmin console. Checked database element collations in PhpMyAdmin and Fabrik settings etc, etc.

Finally tried creating new yes/no elements and copying data from old elements in PhpMyAdmin. And voila, list loading time decreased to what it was before this issue.

So I have no other reasonable explanation for this that the yes/no elements were somehow "corrupted". Didn't have time to investigate further like comparing element json in params field etc. Weird.
Well, that was bit of a mystery. So the issue was that list loading time increased about 5 seconds per every enabled yes/no element.

JDebug gave no good hints. Fabrik generated list queries seemed fine and run in a fraction of a second in PhpMyAdmin console. Checked database element collations in PhpMyAdmin and Fabrik settings etc, etc.

Finally tried creating new yes/no elements and copying data from old elements in PhpMyAdmin. And voila, list loading time decreased to what it was before this issue.

So I have no other reasonable explanation for this that the yes/no elements were somehow "corrupted". Didn't have time to investigate further like comparing element json in params field etc. Weird.
I really want to thank you all for helping me with this matter. A bit of a mistery indeed.
Hello everyone again,

I'm here because, although the solution provided by a very helpful colleague Juuser, seemed to have worked, the problem persists. When I add a filter to the yes/no element, the list loading time slows down again. I've decided to change the yes/no elements to dropdowns to circumvent this issue and that way it seems to be working fine. The problem persists though.

Updating to PHP 8.1, Joomla 4.4.4, and Fabrik 4 has been a lot of work. Many unforeseen issues have arisen, likely caused by the update (which I deemed necessary, hence I proceeded with it).

Now I have another problem with the same development. A group of elements that was working fine before the update is now malfunctioning. It’s a group configured as repeatable, but it no longer allows adding more than two options. You can add one more option, but when you try to add another, it doesn't respond. I switched to the Cassiopeia template to see if that was the issue, but it remains the same.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Repeat group: this is already fixed, see changelog.

You can update from GitHub or wait for Fabrik V4.1 coming soon.
Repeat group: this is already fixed, see changelog.

You can update from GitHub or wait for Fabrik V4.1 coming soon.
I updated from github following step by step all recomendations and still the same. Any other suggestion?


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Did you clear all Joomla and browser cache?

Which exact Joomla and php version?
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Did you clear all Joomla and browser cache?

Thank you so much for your prompt response and for pointing that out! I did clear all the Joomla cache, but, to be honest, I completely forgot about the browser cache. Given that we have multiple users working on the system simultaneously, it slipped my mind. Oops!


I'll make sure to give it a try and see if it resolves the issue. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks again for the tip!

Best regards,
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