[solved]strange behaviour in radiobutton


in my radiobutton (grouped as button) i have 2 choices

I am finding out that all the form already filled by user, they have the same issue at the same radiobutton:
When i open the record for review it, both button are black, like both were selected
But if i export the csv, i can see that only one value is stored
Why, there is this problem with this radiobutton, and only this, for all the records?What can i check?

if i over the correct answer (SI) that part become green

i need to say that that radiobutton has label Si and NO, but value is the same for both label: E and E
they need i tlike this
may be this is the problem?
i have checked properly
the green in the over is always on Si wheter i have saved si or no
Also in the export, the value exported for label is always SI. even if i save NO
Although you don't show the element settings... (Please, if you want help then provide the informations you are asked for),
may be this is the problem?
Yes. Value is what is stored in the database and it must be unique.
Although you don't show the element settings... (Please, if you want help then provide the informations you are asked for),
Yes. Value is what is stored in the database and it must be unique.
i don't know what settings to show..i have checked with others anyway and are the same exact settings
anyway the answer is the value to be unique..
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