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Problem with radiobutton in repeat group


Well-Known Member

I have stumbled into a problem with the basic radiobutton functions (displayed as button group).

In a repeat group (displayed as table), when you add the first row, radiobutton works like expected. When you add another row and try to make a selection, the following error is thrown:

radiobutton.js:93 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toInt')


My radiobutton had two options (value-label):

And earlier there was a behavior that in this case (if option values are 0/1), btn-danger and btn-success classes were added accordingly to active buttons. Anyway, this is not done anymore.

Now, when I change the values and labels from 0/1-Yes/No, to totally something else, still exactly the same error occurs and it seems that it's still trying to add btn-danger and btn-success classes for some reason.

Can you confirm this?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Using J4.4.5 / F4.2
I didn't test but likely
Thank you for the link! Yes, it seems to be the same issue.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough resources and understanding of Fabrik repeat groups behavior to track this down myself.

But I would be more than happy to donate as this is such an essential feature.

Thanks :)
Same issue in a repeat group seems to be also with the regular radiobuttons (not only a button group). So radiobuttons are not usable in the repeat group at the moment.