Pre populate a dbjoin dropdown



How can i retrieve the information from another list's record (a dbjoin dropdown inside the form) to be shown on another form with the same type of element (dbjoin dropdown). So i dont have to select again the same information? I think its in the where statement but cant make it work, it has to be the same type of element in case the information is not correct and needs to be changed (so the dropdown still needs to show all the other options). I was looking at this code from the wiki entry

(SELECT `column_containing_desired_value` FROM other_table WHERE `id` = {thistable}.field_containing_foreign_key)

Not sure if its what i need. Still will try it, any extra advice is appreciated.

Not quite sure what you are trying to do.
You example looks like the "or concat label" example.
There you can concatenate columns from your dbjoin table (even with MySQL conditions), "hardcoded" strings and/or display informations from an other table (related to your dbjoin table).
It has to go into the "Concat" field, not into Data-where
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