Need input default number without any thousand separator


I can't remove "thousand separator" from my element that is a number.
I need input default value into this element and see it displayed without any thousand separator.
When my default value is displayed with thousand separator like:
26 812

when "save" data on form i get in my element: "26" not "26812" what i need.
That is no possibility to display numbers in that way:

Element data with number is saved on form using script:

$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$quantity2 = (int) '{ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___zamow_quantity_pos_ordered}';
$currentserial2 = (int) '{ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___product_serial_num2}';
$idclone2 = (int) '{ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___id}';

    $idclone4 = $idclone2 - $quantity2;
    $currentserial4 = $currentserial2 - 2;
    $i = 1;

for ($i = 1; $i <= $quantity2; $i++) {
    $idclone5 = $idclone4 + 1;
    $idclone4 = $idclone5;
    $currentserial5 = $currentserial4 + 2;
    $currentserial4 = $currentserial5;
$query1 = "UPDATE `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` SET `product_serial_num2`= " .$currentserial5. " WHERE `id` = " .$idclone5. " " ;



I save on form value from variable: $currentserial5. I save this value to some number of records that i clone them.
Variable $currentserial5 get its value from displayed number ( unfortunatelly displayed with thousand separator) in field:

Can you help to solve this?


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I discovered this way in my php code:
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$quantity2 = (int) '{ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___zamow_quantity_pos_ordered}';
$currentseriala = '{ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___product_serial_num2}';

$currentserial2 = filter_var($currentseriala, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$idclone2 = (int) '{ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___id}';

    $idclone4 = $idclone2 - $quantity2;
    $currentserial4 = $currentserial2 - 2;
    $i = 1;

for ($i = 1; $i <= $quantity2; $i++) {
    $idclone5 = $idclone4 + 1;
    $idclone4 = $idclone5;
    $currentserial5 = $currentserial4 + 2;
    $currentserial4 = $currentserial5;
$query1 = "UPDATE `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` SET `product_serial_num2`= " .$currentserial5. " WHERE `id` = " .$idclone5. " " ;


This works.

But there is any way to display numbers without any thousand separator, i need also display in my lists numbers without "thousand separator" ?
I don't understand why you are enabeling "Number format" if you don't want to use it.
But anyway:
If you are doing (int)$string php takes the characters from left to the first non-numeric one, so '26 812' will become 26.
You should use {element_raw}
I need number format, but users that should work with my fabrik list and forms want see:
26 812 or 26,812
element contains number but should be displayed like this: 26812
So just set field "Format" to integer but "number format"=no ("number format" is exactly for doing 26 812 or 26'821 or whatever you set for thousand seperator, see tooltip)
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