Fieldtype varchar(255) in radiobuttons plugin not working


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I have different lists of the same DB table. I want some elements to appear in one list, but not in the other.

I have a radio button on the first list and on the second list I want it to be hidden and have a default value.

Radio button elements don't have the option to be hidden. So I decided to change the element type to "field", only on the second list. If I change it and try to save it, fabrik shows me a message telling me that the field structure is going to change from "text" to "varchar(255).

Every time I edit (backend) the element in the first list (radio button) and save it, I get a message telling me that the field structure is going to be changed from varchar to text.

I tried to change the field type of radiobuttons in the plugin, but nothing changes. I get the message of changing from varchar to text when I want to save a radio button element.

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