Fatal Error: date.php


New Member
Hey guys,

Fabrik 3.0.7
Joomla 2.5.19

I'm trying to avoid reinstalling fabrik. Every time I try to use a form or a table on the front end I receive an error that relates to the date.php element. Examples below. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful!

Fatal error: Call to undefined method FabrikFEModelForm::isNewRecord() in /home/edmonton/public_html/plugins/fabrik_element/date/date.php on line 396

Fatal error: Call to undefined method FabrikFEModelForm::isNewRecord() in /home/edmonton/public_html/plugins/fabrik_element/date/date.php on line 906
It seems you have some code version mix.
Latest Fabrik download/Joomla update version is Fabrik3.0.9.
So backup, install 3.0.9 .
Additionally there are a lot of modifications/additional bug fixes in the GitHub version. If you have updated from GitHub once before you have to do a GitHub update anyway.
Thank you but I have just updated using Github and it's still having problems with date.php

Any suggestions would be great or if not what is the best way to backup (templates), completely remove and re-install fabrik? As this is a new database I wouldnt be losing much.
A good tool for backup is Akeebabackup.

But it should not be necessary to un-install fabrik.
Install 3.0.9 and then update from GitHub (master branch).
Make sure to upload to the correct folders and override all files (not "if newer" etc.).