Fabrik forms & AddFullAjax not working


New Member
Hi everybody,

I need to know how to make a Fabrik forms (with Ajax file-upload) works in a dynamic Ajax-changing page (with AddFullAjax plugin).
The form work perfectly if I go with the direct link but not if I come from an other page (http://www.ifosup.com/betaj/depots-cv/stagiaires).

It seems to not interpret the JS (not "Ajax-ready"), even if I see that head.js is used in Fabrik.

How I will be able to make it Ajax-ready ?

Thank you.
A little up, cause I still haven't found a response.

it could be a good thing to know the response, because it will make Fabrik work with Ajax transfert.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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