Elements in column displaying in a row / template problem


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am a complete newbie. I recently started a first try with Joomla 2.5, using a free template (a little bit kinkly 2) found on internet.
Since I lost almost everything due to an manipulating error, I decided to restart with joomla 3.
using the same template, now elements of a group display in rows, although I set the right number of columns in options.

I searched on the web and read something about Responsive template, about Bootstrap... but I have no idea what it is.

I also tried to dowlnoad another template, made for joomla 3, but the result is the same.

Could someone help me / explain me what it is about?
Is there a possibility I modify the template so that it works as it did with joomla 2.5 ?

Thanks in advance !


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Fabrik3.1 needs a Joomla Bootstrap template (BS2) like protostar coming with Joomla (or isis in the backend).
Thank you Troester,
even if I put protostar as the default template, the result is the same...
is there any other option to switch on to enable bootstrap?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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