Database connection

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Hello from France,

I would like to search a database element after to have choising a element from a list, but it's not working yet.

I have a sql database for example with "name" and "phone number"

In a form, I have created databasejoin to hace a list of all the names and I would like to display in a second element the phone number corresponding to the name.
I thing the solution is in Javascript action when I change the value of the list. But How to search in the database with Javascript ?

Somebody could help me ?

Thanks in advance
As the error says, have you tried to set a certain part of your form/list/element into public?
I am notsure if it is this, but due to the error for me it looks like you have some kind of memember area and that the dropdown can not access
that part because of the user leve setup.
Did you fetch the correct GitHub branch?
joomla3 branch if you are running Fabrik3.1b
I am not sure that is what the error says.

Personally, I think that this is a php notice and the error is saying that there is a protected function _buildQuery defined somewhere which is being accessed by code in another class which is not derived from the class with _buildQuery in it. However, this is not what I can see in the code I look at:

Current GitHub:

1. Line 1125 in cascadingdropdown.php is:
$element->params = $params->toString();
which does not seem to be something that would produce this error.

On your system, what is line 1125?

2. There is a _buildQuery function in form.php but it is defined as public (and in F3.0 one in list.php which is not defined as either protected or private or public - so not sure what it is). However this does not seem to fit with the error message either.

I am somewhat flummoxed.

Thanks for all your answer.
I have updated Fabrik (3.0.7 to 3.0.8) and now all is OK

I will never know why the 3.0.7 version didn't work...

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