Cron Email Placeholders


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Hi All

Question or Problem - not sure.

Is {$their->yyy->xxx} placeholders works?
I am trying to use it in cron - email plugin. I wold like to send email notification to some users based on user_id from table. Every day, if particular row date is older than 7 days, simple email huldbe send.

So i use {$their->969->email} but this not works.
As debuq I write var_dump($their); as email message and i gets NULL.
What you mean by "Use eval", cron email plugin dont allow to eval reciptens. I can eval message body only.
I thought you need it in the message.

So in the end you would like to use something like {$their->{your-userid-element_raw}->email} ? A bit complicated...
As far as I can see {$their...} is no "standard" placeholder.

What is the setup of your userid-element? If you can use a user element with "User data" = email {your-userid-element} may do.
Or an additional element in your form storing the email.

Or use php cron instead of email and do the mailing yourself.
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