Cascading Dropdown not working in Fabrik 3.1b

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Hi, I need some help with Cascading Dropdowns. I am using Joomla 3.0.3 with Fabrik 3.1b - Updated from GitHub on 9th March.

I have 3 tables with the following structure

Table 1: KM_Call_Type
Plugin: Field
Name: CT
Label: Call Type

Primary Key: ID

Table 2: KM_Call_Sub_Type
Plugin: Database Join
Table: KM_Call_Type
Value: CT
Label: Call Type

Plugin: Field
Name: CST
Label: Call Sub Type

Primary Key: ID

Table 3: KM_Call_Sub-Sub_Type
Plugin: Database Join
Table: KM_Call_Type
Value: CT
Label: Call Type

Plugin: Cascading Dropdown
Render as: Dropdown
List: KM_Call_Sub_Type
ID: Call Sub Type
Label: Call Sub Type
Watch Element: Call Type
Foreign Key: Call Type

Primary Key: ID

While I do not have problems with the database join element, the cascading dropdown does not seem to work. It just shows the default "Please Select" and the dropdown is not populated.

I have been through the tutorial, wiki as well as other threads however I am not being able to figure out where I am messing up! Please help.

I found one more interesting thing. The cascading dropdown works while editing a pre-existing record but that too somewhat.

What I mean is if a particular call type has been selected while creating a new record and the sub call type left blank (as the CDD does not work), then when I edit the record later, the cascading dropdown shows me sub call type options for the relevant call type however if I change the call type, even in edit mode, the cascading dropdown does not update the options for the relevant call type.

I know this is probably too trivial for most of the seasoned users however I humbly request for help.
i tested and the cdd is working in 3.1, so it must be something in your settings.
Can you post the form url please as its quiet hard to see what's going on just from a description of the fields.

can you update from github please, the js code seems to be out of date compared to what is in the repository

This is a note to myself: the cdd js object never initialised hence its not working, seems to be an additional "," in this code (which no longer is current with the way we do things now):

form_6.addElements({ 	6:[	new FbInternalId('km_call_sub_sub_type___id', {"repeatCounter":0,"editable":true,"value":null,"defaultVal":"","inRepeatGroup":false,"watchElements":[],"canRepeat":false,"isGroupJoin":false,"joinid":0}), 		new FbDateTime('km_call_sub_sub_type___date_time', {"repeatCounter":0,"editable":true,"value":"2013-03-19 13:32:47","defaultVal":"2013-03-19 13:32:47","inRepeatGroup":false,"watchElements":[],"canRepeat":false,"isGroupJoin":false,"joinid":0,"hidden":true,"showtime":false,"timelabel":"time","typing":true,"timedisplay":1,"validations":false,"dateTimeFormat":"H:i","calendarSetup":{"inputField":"km_call_sub_sub_type___date_time","button":"km_call_sub_sub_type___date_time_cal_img","align":"Tl","singleClick":true,"firstDay":0,"ifFormat":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S","hasValidations":false,"dateAllowFunc":null,"range":[1066,2999]},"advanced":false}), 		new FbDatabasejoin('km_call_sub_sub_type___Call_Type', {"repeatCounter":0,"editable":true,"value":"","defaultVal":"","inRepeatGroup":false,"watchElements":[],"canRepeat":false,"isGroupJoin":false,"joinid":0,"id":"32","fullName":"km_call_sub_sub_type___Call_Type","key":"km_call_type___Call_Type","label":"km_call_type___Call_Type","formid":"6","listid":"","listRef":"_com_fabrik_","popupform":0,"popwiny":0,"windowwidth":360,"displayType":"dropdown","show_please_select":true,"showDesc":false,"autoCompleteOpts":null,"allowadd":false,"isJoin":false}), 		, 		new FbField('km_call_sub_sub_type___Call_Sub_Sub_Type', {"repeatCounter":0,"editable":true,"value":null,"defaultVal":"","inRepeatGroup":false,"watchElements":[],"canRepeat":false,"isGroupJoin":false,"joinid":0})] 	});
Update Resolved CDD

can you update from github please, the js code seems to be out of date compared to what is in the repository


Hi Rob:

Thanks a ton :) That solved the issue... a simple update.

Wonder why I acted so dumb!

Thanks once again :)
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