can i do that with fabrik?


Hello i am trying to develop a calculation, it seems to me complicated to do it techinically speaking not so much as a concept. I'll try to explain what i need, let's see it from a starting table

On the X axis i have several input I1,I2,I3....ecc
On the Y axis i have several (around 200) output O1,O2 O3 ecc...
I normally supply several I that combine together to get 1, more or none O
Each O to be activated needs to meet an X from all the I and at least one A,B,C. This letters X A B C i used as a way to locate the conditions, could use any other mean

SO it may happen that O13 (example) to be activated need to have 2X at least 1A and at least 1B
while O3 needs 2X and at least 1A

The combination of all the I must meet contain all these

O1 O2 O3.....O13
I1 A X
I2 B X A
I3 X X X
I4 C A B

In this case O13 will ber activated while O3 not

X are all required, if an Ox required 4X there must be 4X
A,B,C and other letters just need to be there once

Once i get theO, this will be combined in other table to get the final results, but that is a second and easier step

Hope is it clear enough

I don't know how to start to work at this yet, but i wonder if Fabrik could do that

Thanks a lot
i know it is difficult to explain i'll try to add some more

I have a number of event that can be activated according to the content of the input i supply
I write down an examplke with 10 output

001000 1X A
002000 1X
003000 8X
004000 1X A
005000 1X A
006000 3X A
007000 3X A B
008000 3X A B
009000 3X A B
010000 1X

event 001000 need one X and one A to be activated
event 003000 needs eight X to be ativated
and so on
please note that while the X are a must, the other letters are AT LEAST, for example 00100 must have one X and at least one A. That because it can happen that when supply input sring more A (or B or C) would be there

i have also several input strings that looks like this

The string I1 have an X in corrispondance to output 001000, and 002000 and 007000 and a A to output 00400 and 008000 and 010000
and so on
These INPUT string are fixed, i just choose which one to supply to the program

in this example considering the firsta table and the second table the event that will be activated are
001000, 002000,004000,005000,006000 and 00900

This is a little example, i have almost 200 hundred possbile events, and around 150 input string to choose form. Normally i would supply around 20 input string
Hope it is clearer now
I'm not sure I understand what is your final goal, but there should be no problem to make a table like in the image in your last post. Just add for example dropdown elements like "I", "001000", "002000", etc. and add records filling the field with options like "I001", "X", etc.
i know it i diffcult ot explain
WEhat happen is that the operator will give some input, for example the I001, the I002, the I003.
these Txxx input are like string or one row array that have a series of value (one for each column)
The combination of these input should give as a final output all the columns which criteria are meet to be "activated"For example the column 00100 need to have one X and one A in the combo of the input given
as you see in the image the row I001 plus the row I004 together will have the X and the Z needed for that column to be activated

So after an input i will have one or more columns that will result as matched by criteria, and with these column i will go for a further process

so as i write here the column I001 will be used for a next process
Then add extra calc element with something like:

if(your_i_element == "I001") {

if(001000_element == "X" && 002000_element == "X" etc) {
return "match";
} else {
return "nomatch";

} elseif(your_i_element == "I002") {
it should be a routine that with if-the-else would check all the possibility..that's what you mean?
considering that the horizontal elemnts inputted would be around 20
and thta column are about 200 looks like a huge loop to calculate
Yes, that's what I meant. I agree over 200 condition checks is quite a lot.

But either you do it with calc element, php-list/form plugin or some other way, you have to check the conditions some way.
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