Calc element using star ratings


New Member
I have the need to average some star ratings.
Using the calc element plugin I have enabled ajax and have the following calculation.

$wts = (int)'(fab_gymhit___weights_raw)';
$cdo = (int)'(fab_gymhit___cardio_raw)';
$cla = (int)'(fab_gymhit___classes_raw)';
$kcl = (int)'(fab_gymhit___Kids_Club_raw)';
$sst = (int)'(fab_gymhit___sauna_steam_raw)';
$spt = (int)'(fab_gymhit___sports_raw)';
$poo = (int)'(fab_gymhit___rating_raw)';

$ts = $wts + $cdo + $cla + $kcl + $sst + $spt + $poo;
return "Score = $ts";

Each item is a star rating. All I get is an output of 'score=0'
do star ratings not store in the database as a number?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the reply.
I now have

$wts = (int)'{fab_gymhit___weights_raw}';
$cdo = (int)'{fab_gymhit___cardio_raw}';
$cla = (int)'{fab_gymhit___classes_raw}';
$kcl = (int)'{fab_gymhit___Kids_Club_raw}';
$sst = (int)'{fab_gymhit___sauna_steam_raw}';
$spt = (int)'{fab_gymhit___sports_raw}';
$poo = (int)'{fab_gymhit___rating_raw}';

$ts = $wts + $cdo + $cla + $kcl + $sst + $spt + $poo;
return "Score =" .$ts;


Which I think is returning only the last rating, but honestly the stars aren't behaving right either. my understanding is that as users click on star ratings they are cumulatively collected and the average is displayed?
Either way sometimes I click on 2 stars now and it displays 3?
Is the Ajax the observe field? Hover over and look at the tooltip, they need to be comma delimited.

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