[Bug?] repeat on Join

I do a simple join on two tables.
I don't want to repeat similar entries, so i choose "No" on the repeat option.
But there is no effect to this option.
I tried with different tables and all join-types.
Maybe it is a bug?
Wiederholbar = the group (kategorien-[firmat_repeat_kategorien_id]) is repeatable;

What do you mean with "But there is no effect to this option."?
What do you expect where?
I think thie option should add something like this to the sql query:
GROUP BY kategorie_id
Or am i wrong?

This is the result i got with NO and YES:

I think when i set "Wiederholbar" to "Nein", the entry kategorie_id should be unique.
Fabrik does no GROUP BY (why on kategorie_id and not parent_id?)
What you are looking for is the option "Anzeige Modus": verbunde Eintr?ge in einer Zeile or merge+reduce (seems the translation is missing)

I'm not sure if it's working with your example (I assume parent_id and kategorie_id are in the same group, but they don't have the same values). At least you'll have to sort (order) your list by kategorie_id so that those "merge candidate" rows are coming together.

Or you can set GROUP BY in the "Data" list settings.