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    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Bug in multiselect database join


this issue was already in J 2.5 / F 3.0 and I still see it in J 3.6 / F 3.5

In some forms I have a databasejoin elements with multiselect rendered as lists or checkbox, and in some of these I have many elements, also 200.

When I select many (ex. 100) and then I save, Fabrik does not save the database all the values, but a part of this (I counted 64 check saved).

I can't replicate this. I have a join / CDD torture test form, which has US States & Cities as checkboxes. I can select several hundred cities in the checkboxes without problem.

I suspect this may be a PHP or web server thing, not a Fabrik thing. make sure you don't have any PHP ini settings or web server config settings which would limit the number of form inputs, or any application firewall / security extensions installed which might limit form inputs.

-- hugh

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