Apply and Save Buttons do not work on Eliments page

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Hi hugh, I get the following error from firebug
WPro is not defined
submitbutton2("saveElement")index2.php (line 307)
submitbutton("saveElement")index2.php (line 172)
[Break on this error] values += val.value.replace('|', '') + '|';
Are you using a non-standard admin template in Joomla?

I've never seen anything to do with WPro in Joomla's backend scripts or template.

If you are running a custom template, try switching back to the default, see if that fixes it.

-- hugh
also if you are not using the standard wysiwyg editor please revert to tinymce and see if that fixes the issue. If it does please tell us what editor you were using

Awesome! the non-standard Joomla admin template was the culprit. I thought I was going to have recreate all my work. Don't use the Minted One-Point-Five admin template, otherwise this is exactly what happens.
I found myself in the same situation where I installed the "Minted" admin template but I deleted my default joomla admin template thinking I wasnt going to need it any more. Does anyone know how to reinstall the default admin template or where to find the zip folder so I can upload it?


download a copy of joomla
unzip and go to the folder administrator/templates/
zip up the folder "joomla_admin"

**I think ! *** I've not tested but that should work

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