Adding group to form causes new elements to be created


New Member
I made a group, originally it was supposed to be a part of a bigger form, but I decided it'd be better as its own form. I created the new form and applied it to that form, and it adds the id and datetime elements to that group. The problem is that also duplicates every other element, creating a new one with the same name but a generic label. I thought it might have something to do with the ordering and trying to force the id and datetime elements to the beginning of the group, but I'm not sure. This is just an absolute mess. WTF?

Edit: On further testing, it seems like the form creation routine is creating the database based on the elements in the group, and then creating new elements based on what it sees in the database.
Now Fabrik has gone through all my forms (all 30+) that had been auto-creating these elements and set them all back to "Published" from "Trashed".