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  1. D


    Hello I use this event in form_x.js to trigger an event which populates labels after a function has inserted repeat groups. It works great. However when the user saves the record and then reopens it for editing the '' does not fire. I assume this is because...
  2. D

    Custom tab index on repeat group

    Is there a way to modify the tab index on a repeating group. The functionality I would like to see is that if fieldA_0 has focus and tab key is pressed then focus moves to fieldA_1, fieldA_2 and so on, if there is no further repeats I'd like focus to move to the next element on the top row eg...
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    Help with javascript for multiple Database join elements rendered as checkbox

    I have 5 database join elements rendered as checkboxes. Selection A Selection B Selection C Selection D Selection X They all select the same data (an ID) from another table with a Where clause ordering the results. The user is able to place a check in boxes A,B,C,D and if needed in X. However...
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    add repeat with JS

    Hello I have created a form with a repeat group, the add and remove buttons are hidden in CSS. I would like to create my own add repeat button. I have this function in form_X.js function addGroup(formRef, groupId) { var form = Fabrik.blocks[formRef]; // Create mock event var btn =...
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    Ajax update element on main form from pop up

    Hello I have a pop up form where a users enters data, upon submission of the pop up, I would like to run an ajax update on an element on the main form. I already have the ajax update function on my main form, but I don't know how to call it on submission of the pop up?
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    Fabrik Custom template Help

    Hope someone with more experience than me can help this amateur. I am trying to create a custom template. I have a form with several tabs on it. On one of these tabs there are 24 elements. For the 5th,10th,15th and 20th element I want to change the table heading to span 4 elements. Then I...
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    Repeat group with table template layout

    I have a repeat group with several elements, their labels are displayed above the columns. 4 of these elements are similar in description and would look better if they had just one label that was as wide as the 4 columns. Is there a way to achieve this?
  8. D

    Custom CSS help with rationalizing

    Hello everyone, I have this CSS in my custom file. Can anyone show me a better way of writing it? td.fb_el_tbl_inspections_95_repeat___ta_0_0,td.fb_el_tbl_inspections_95_repeat___ta_2_0{width: 0px !important} td.fb_el_tbl_inspections_95_repeat___ta_3_0 {width: 80px !important}...
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    JavaScript window class causing page refresh

    Hello I hope someone can help me out. I have created a form "form 1" with a button to open a new form "form 2" in a pop up using the code below in form_X.js. function recordFault(el){ var strUrl = 'index.php?Itemid=&option=com_fabrik&task=form.view&formid=43'; var windowTitle ="Record Fault"...
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    Passing parameters to Content plugin in outro of a form

    Hello I have a form content plugin in the footer of a form {fabrik view=form id=43 rowid=myValue} The form is form is in a div which is hidden. I would like to pass a rowid to this content plugin, preferably using form_X.js and then make it visible. Is it possible to pass the rowid...
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    Form in outro with repeat group save error

    Strange this. I placed form B in the outro of form A. Form B has a repeat group. With only one repeat group open form B saves correctly as expected when save button on form B is clicked. But with multiple groups open, the spinner displays briefly but the record does not save at all. If I...
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    Hide form in outro

    Hello I have a form in the outro of another form and I want to be able to hide or display it. I have tried hiding the group on the form, but it leaves the form itself. Is there a way to hide either the form or outro? Thanks
  13. D

    Bootstrap Tabs Custom CSS set element width and height

    Hello I have a form with a repeat group on a tab it has 12 field elements and several display elements. The repeat group is set to 'table layout'. I wish to change the width and height of all the field elements. But no matter what I seem to try I can't hit on the correct code.
  14. D

    Query database and dynamically create repeat groups

    Hello I am trying to dynamically set the number of repeat groups when a form loads. But I want query the database to find out how many repeats are needed. I am using this code which works great, I feel I need to dynamically change the value of howManyRepeats. requirejs(['fab/fabrik']...
  15. D

    Hiding elements

    Hello I have a tabbed form, on one of these tabs are repeat groups. There are four field elements in the repeat group house_boat_93_repeat___fore_aft_centre_a house_boat_93_repeat___fore_aft_centre_b house_boat_93_repeat___fore_aft_centre_c house_boat_93_repeat___fore_aft_centre_d I want to...
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    IsUniqueValue and AreUniqueValues validations

    I have a list of Customers who each have multiple Depots. I use a form with a Database join and repeat groups to allow multiple depots for each customer. I want to allow only unique depot names for each customer, but differing Customers could have matching Depot names. I assumed I could use...
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    List view settings/ filters display

    Hello I have set up 3 element filters to filter a list. They work great. They are displayed vertically one above the other, is it possible to display them horizontally?
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    Change tooltip between list view and form view

    I have a tooltip that I would like to have a different message between list and form view. I am putting this in the Publishing/Tip Text and setting eval to Yes. if ('{placeholder to test}') { return 'This is a list'; } else { return 'This is a form'; } I'm not sure what value to test ?
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    Order by in Database join

    I am trying to order a list of numbers in a database join element. I am using the data where tab. my list of numbers is 1,5,9,11,22 and I would like them ordered in that order. If I order by the number itself I get 1,11,22,5,9. How do I achieve this please?
  20. D

    Displaying a list within a form

    I am displaying a list of 'club members comments' within the footer of a form by placing this {fabrik view=list id=8 showfilters=0} in the footer and setting 'process joomla plugin'. This displays the full list of comments for every club member. I have an databasejoin element in the form...
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