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  1. vipzeus

    calc element with empty values

    in my form i have a calc element where at begin my fields are empty and calc element does not work as well. //Consumi $consumi_f0 = '{simulatore___consumo_f0}'; $consumi_f1 = '{simulatore___consumi_f1}'; $consumi_f2 = '{simulatore___consumi_f2}'; $consumi_f3 = '{simulatore___consumi_f3}'...
  2. vipzeus

    Cascading dropdown eval options

    Is this way to call from cascading dropdown the next row of Data? im explain better. in my form i have e databasejoin for the years from my quantity table col years as 2012,2013,2014 ecc ecc Then i have e cascading where watch database join col years with months as numbers, 01,02,03,04, ecc ecc...
  3. vipzeus

    calc element calculation from cascadind element

    Hi again I have e calc element and i need the calculation of the value of cascading dropdown (without select option) but for some reason im obtain 0 instead the real value 0.139 when i use the (int) //Call the price $f0 = '{simulatore___f0}'; //this is the cascading element $cost = (int)$f0 +...
  4. vipzeus

    Subquery in Calc element

    I have a calc element in my form where i want to call e value from other table. $myDb = FabrikWorker::getDbo(false, 2); $query = $myDb->getQuery(true); $query->clear() ->select('(offerte.spese_gestione_per_mese)') ->from($myDb->quoteName('offerte')) ->where($myDb->quoteName('') ...
  5. vipzeus

    Create query from another connection

    Im try to create e subquery in calc element but my tables are in another database on the same server. What is the right syntax? i tried this but does not work //$myDb = FabrikWorker::getDbo(false, 2); $myDb = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getContainer(false, 2)->get('DatabaseDriver'); $query =...
  6. vipzeus

    Cascading dropdown label instead of value

    Hi Community I have 2 tables TABLE A id dropdown_element1 (values as number - label as text) dropdown_element2 (values as number - label as text) field_element TABLE B id databasejoin_element ( TABLE: TABLE A - VALUE: dropdown_element1 - LABEL: dropdown_element1) cascadingdropdown_element...
  7. vipzeus

    Calc element hidden by javascript showing allways on the top of page

    Hello everybody I have 3 calc elements where are hidden by javascript with some conditions of radiobutton element. In my form calc elements are hidden and showen as well but on the top of page i have allways showing the calc elements. My template is protostar and i have update yesterday all...
  8. vipzeus

    Javascript regex for product-key format

    Hi everybody, finaly after a long time i'm back to work :-) I have a field where user must put some code and with follow javascript code i have the keystring to uppercase on keyup event. this.update( this.getValue().toUpperCase() ); I need to have the dashes for each 5 chars like...
  9. vipzeus

    database join issue with user element on new form.

    I have a database join element filtred by user element. user element is set to be hidden and not updated on edit. dbjoin element is set to filter data by user element. The problem is, on new form dbjoin does not viewing data. If try to save form (parzialy) i can see the record on the dbjoin...
  10. vipzeus

    validation for auto-complete dbjoin element does not work.

    I have an database-join element set as auto-complete. My validations for this element are: Not empty Is not 0 on new form this does not work. Not empty allow any type (Not selected from the auto-complete list) is not 0 , deny the submit form only in edit mode. i try with "is not null" too but...
  11. vipzeus

    article form plugin uploadfile issue

    I use {listname___uploadfile} in my article_template and before last githump update worked perfectly. Now after update i have only the default image.
  12. vipzeus

    article form plugin condition

    How i can create a condition for create an article ? I have in my form a yes-no element. Is it correct return '{element___yesno}' == 1; ?
  13. vipzeus

    Article plugin with some issues

    Hi all. Finally i. m back to work after mys son's born :-) I see with great enthusiasm the new article plugin and i can say its very cool but i meat some issues... 1. Read more system plugin does not work for article template, so i have all integred article without "read more". 2. Something...
  14. vipzeus

    ajax look up field from the same table

    In my fresh installation with J!3.2 and Fabrik 3.1 i create a simple form with one field only. Is it possible for this field element render as auto-complete with ajax look-up same table datas from exist records?
  15. vipzeus

    Button action depend by date

    I have a big form with custom template. I need a button where on click send a query in database for changing the status order. The button must be visibily only if the date_warranty is bigger then date_now. Is it possible to do this with button_element?
  16. vipzeus

    Comments plugin does not block comments for jcomments

    I have a form where i'm use comments plugin with jcomments. I tried with local comments and block comments work properly. With jcomments does not work, is there any other option for blocking jcomments? I'm attached my configuration.
  17. vipzeus

    juser plugin on edit lose user's usergroup values

    I create a simple form where user can modify username, email, fullname and password. Each time who save the form user return as registered or public group users. In my site i have many groups and all users of all groups has access in this form. Users can belong one or multiple groups. Any...
  18. vipzeus

    Placeholder in email plugin does not took informations

    Hi all fabriks friends. As my title i notice that, if in email plugin put directly the email, form send email correctly but with placeholder tooken from same form doesnot work. Problem is present only for email plugin.
  19. vipzeus

    local comments plugin dont send email notify.

    site with joomla 2.5 i use a form where userid is included. on this form users can leave comment and admins can answer. no body receive email notifications with or without notification plugin. any suggest is welcome. thanks in advance.
  20. vipzeus

    bugs and issues after last github update

    I update the last github update hopping to fix some issues with slide element but now i have many issues with my site. 1. Elements as radiobutton does not display the options outstanding and does not allow to create new 2. Form plugins does not display the existing plugins and does not allow...
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