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  1. F

    Fabrik element with Validate Hidden = No

    Hi, When a Fabrik element has a validation set to Not empty with option Validate Hidden = No. The element is steel mandatory when is in a hidden group of elements. Is there a way to make the element not mandatory when is in a hidden group of element ? Thank's a lot for your help.
  2. F

    Incorrect SQL query on list

    Hello, I have identified a very strange problem which seems to be linked to pre-filters in a Fabrik list. Sometimes, in what seems to be completely random fashion: the list returns no results. The value of $this->navigation->total displays the correct number of results yet $this->rows is...
  3. F

    How to display total number of results on list template

    Hello there, I'm building a custom list template and i'm trying to display the total number of results in my fabrik list. The problem is $this->rows only gives me the number of results per page. I know in fabrik I can add it in my nav, but it's not really what i want. Any ideas?
  4. F

    CDD values disappearing

    Hi there, I have a little problem with my CDD (check-box) which is linked to a database join in a repeat group. On my page load, my database join and CDD loads with my existing values checked. But for some reason, my CDD reloads and removes my checked values. Any ideas? Thanks
  5. F

    set default value for user plugin

    Hi, I try to set the value of a user plugin element. By default it is set to current user id, but would like to change that defaul value if a parameter is sent by URL like: http://mydomain.dom/index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=form&formid=138&mytable___user=111 or...
  6. F

    Create new element without parent/child behaviour

    When I copy a list, in the database a new list, form, groups and elements will are created, that great. But now, how to create a new element in the copied form without an automatic creation of this new element in the parent ? Is there an option to say create that element only for that form and...
  7. F

    Updated fr-FR language file

    Here is some missing translation for french in attachment. Thank's for that new RC :)
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