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  1. terp

    Boy, have I got some bugs for you...

    :) PS: I'm digging the ajaxification, guys! Well-done.
  2. terp

    Capitalize First Letter of Record: Easy as...?

    ...just one of those things that make me go, "hmmmm." Is it easy to fire a little sql to save a form response with a capital letter, if lower-case was used? So, for example, I have a field for 'city' and a user enters "fredericksburg," but other users enter it as "Fredericksburg," I thought...
  3. terp

    Show COUNT in Module?

    I was thinking of expanding my test setup to mirror what I will eventually try to accomplish with Fabrik when I quit screwing around and find the time. ;) If I were to create links for all 50 states that point to a pre-filtered Fabrik tables with records from the respective state, is it...
  4. terp

    Suggestion on the way to do a 'Contact Your Senator' Page?

    I'm going to mirror what the main Senate page is doing, more or less. They have the "Choose a State" and the "Choose a Senator" filters working independantly, so to mirror what they have done, I could simply setup a table...
  5. terp

    Fabrik Resources Loaded on Non-Fabrik Pages?

    Hey, boss, posted and asked about this long ago, but can't find the old post pre-migration...don't see any references to Fabrik on non-fabrik pages, but wanted to ask before I actually start using on a live site... Got a new .org I setup 4 days ago and was going to add some fabrik forms; it...
  6. terp

    Question About Date Fields

    ...been awhile since I posted a question and not a problem. :) I have a form with a 'check-in' date and a 'check-out' date; though I am still struggling to get the validations down, I am trying to avoid someone entering a check-out date that is earlier than the check-in date. :) So, for...
  7. terp

    Drawbacks to Publishing All Forms in Module Positions?

    This is probably a dumb question, but given that I am migrating from that nasty world of DotnetNuke, I thought I would ask, as Joomla compiles a little differently. ;) Are there any drawbacks to publishing my myriad of Fab forms in module positions, rather than publishing them in their...
  8. terp

    Open/Close Status: Can't Change?

    "You can also help us out by closing your own support threads once the problem is solved. -- hugh" Hugh, unless I am looking in the wrong place, I can't find the option to close my own threads as solved...tried to close a couple, but here's what I see where you said that feature resides:
  9. terp

    SVN Password?

    Hugh, ...went to check for SVN updates before I roll up my sleeves and test for tonight, though I suspect none were done while ROb was playing around in Holland (;D), and I got promoted for a password info...only entered it once and have been running strong for a few months, it seems, but now...
  10. terp

    Forums Bridged?

    Whenever I try to login using the top login, it tells me my password is incorrect, then takes me to the forum login in the center of the page; I enter the same login and it works. :) When I am logged in and click on a forum link sent via. email, it tells me I am not authorized to view the...
  11. terp

    Increase Size of Field (height)?

    Where would we look (I thought I looked everywhere) to change the actual height of the forms? I am playing with a new form and want to use big, fat, stupid Web 4.0 type of text fields and button! ;)
  12. terp

    Align Text Area "Word Counter" under Field?

    I looked through EVERYTHING (found some funny notes in the code :) ), but could not figure out how to align the line under the text area itself, rather than aligned left like the element labels (using the default theme). Is it possible to tab that bad boy over a little bit?
  13. terp

    Show Record Count in Articles/Custom Modules?

    I was thinking about putting a custom module in my header with some language about how many records we have in the database; is there a way to inject a COUNT in a regular content article or a text/html module? ...not sure I can just use Select COUNT(Fabrik_ID) from mytable name;and given my...
  14. terp

    Mint Form Template Question (.fb_group)

    At first, I went into the images and modified the bg image of the mint template, hoping to match my template; I went back in to the site and refreshed it (and cleared cache), but the background did not change. I therefore went into the mint css and changed the background color code and it worked...
  15. terp

    "Object doesn't support this property or method"

    I am using the latest and greatest Fab1.0 SVN and ran into this tonight while creating a form; I think I have a js conflict. Are there some mootools being loaded by Fabirk? I am using a theme with the 'control panel' login that drops down from the header and it's loading mootool1.11, so I think...
  16. terp

    Delete Table Doesn't Delete FormData Table?

    I am still learning my way around Fabrik and creating a bunch of small form, playing around, then deleting the table, selecting the delete table, forms, groups, elements option. I went into my db and I noticed 5-6 tables left behind...jos_fabrik_formdata_1 through 5. :) Is this by design, or...
  17. terp

    "E-mail a copy of this message " checkbox option possible like J! core?

    Rather than automatically email a copy of the form using the Fabrik settings, is it possible to add a checkbox with the core language ("E-mail a copy of this message to your own address ") and have this dictate whether or not a copy of the form is sent to their respective email address? I only...
  18. terp

    'Validation Stars' not removed when warning is cleared

    I just downloaded Fabrik again for a new J!1.0.x install and updated to the latest SVN; when I add validations for the fields, all works well, except the required stars are still being displayed next to the field even though the warning has cleared (i.e., require a name using 'not empty', hit...
  19. terp

    Use Fabrik for 'Contact Us...Refer-A-Friend...AND Link Exchange?' Efficient?

    This could just be the dumbest question I will post, but I am struggling to find alternatives to the Joomla core for a contact us engine, refer-a-friend, and a link exchange form. :) I am not sure how all this works, but would I be adding a lot of overhead using Fabrik to achieve all of this? I...
  20. terp

    Suggestion Box: Browser-side Ajax Validations

    I was playing with some extensions tonight, as I am simply trying to extend the core registration (i.e., add state/city and few other fields) and after playing with Community Builder, I thought it's a little bloated for what I am trying to do; I ran across an extension that worked perfectly, but...
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