Search results

  1. L

    Solved Update F4.1

    Ok, we'll see later; in the meantime I put a message for the search see attached Yours sincerely Lecoqray
  2. L

    Solved Update F4.1

    Ok, I'll leave it, we'll see under 4.2. I will update the online sites The problem in my post has not been corrected with the new version Lecoqray
  3. L

    Solved Update F4.1

    I have always installed Fabrik whether F4.0 and 4.1 from the Fabrik site and not Github
  4. L

    Solved Update F4.1

    Bonjour, j'ai mis à jour F4.1, pas de problème de mise à jour, mais dans les plug-ins il y a deux plug-ins du même nom et deux versions différentes. Puis-je supprimer la version précédente sans problème. Copie ci-jointe Merci d'avance pour votre réponse. Lecoqray
  5. L

    Advanced search

    @ troester Did you find a solution for the advanced search problem. Thank you in advance for your return. . Lecoqray
  6. L

    Advanced search

    Thanks a lot Lecoqray
  7. L

    Advanced search

    Hello, Since migrating from J3 to J4 and Fabrik 4.0Delta, Zeta and the latest update, I've had a problem with the "Advanced Search" window. The problem arises when, after having performed a search and you want to perform a new one, the name of the previous item is indicated and it's not...
  8. L

    update fabrik4.0

    thank you for the clarification lecoqray
  9. L

    update fabrik4.0

    Thank you for confirmation. Should we do the refresh in a single block for all Fabrik extensions and plugin given the number or can we do it in blocks of 20 or 25 extensions an plugin? Good to you lecoqray
  10. L

    update fabrik4.0

    Hello Your message After installing Fabrik 4.0 clean the update cache. (Otherwise J!update may show an update from Fabrik 4.0Zeta to 4.0) "Rebuild" the update sites. "Clear cache" on all Fabrik entries in Manage / Extensions In your message you mention “Clear-cache”, it is “Refresh cache”...
  11. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    @troester Hello I found where the ''target_blank'' was'' which allowed the image to be on a new tab. This parameter was in > template/templatename/html/layouts/com_fabrik/element/fabrik-element-fileupload-image.php (see templatej3 screen). Due to the j3>j4 migration and following an override I...
  12. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    @troester I will see, it is possible that the person, who helped me during the design of the database, to change a parameter to have a new tab. I'll tell you what, but for today I'm leaving the problem pending; I will see that tomorrow. Thanks again for all the info. Yours sincerely
  13. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    @troester For your information here is the site which under j3 allows you to have the image on a new tab. You must choose >securities info>Database> click on advanced search then in the window choose ''element''= name of title, ''condition'' = contains...
  14. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    @troester For certain elements, I added font-weight:bold;font-size:11pt in the custom-css.php, the element concerned is not included in this file. path: /components/com_fabrik/views/details/tmpl/bootstrap/custom_css.php. Now, if it is necessary to add in the custom link can you tell me what to...
  15. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    @troester here is the view screen for Fabrik 3 Lecoqray
  16. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    @troester Hello, I have provided you with all the screens concerning the element in English. For custom link in F3, nothing is included. Good to you. Lecoqray
  17. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    @troester Hello, having not received a response following my submissions, do you need any further information? lecoqray
  18. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    I forgot the first screen here
  19. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    Here are the screenshots
  20. L

    plug in-Fileupload

    I forgot to tell you that on the frontend I am on a different template from Cassiopeia. Wouldn't the problem come from there? lecoqray